The Great Plotnik

Thursday, June 21, 2012

That Curse Again.

The Plotzers play in Oakland today, a day game. Plot figured he'd take the Plotkicycle to Bart, then ride over to the ballpark. But no. You don't do things in Oakland like you do in San Francisco. There is no bicycle parking at A's stadium, the East Bay bicycle coalition doesn't answer their phone, bicycle parking at the Coliseum BART station is on a first-come first-served basis, which probably means first-stolen, and the Throwback Thursday half price tickets turn out to be full price.

Not only that, but if you order your full price half-price tickets online the $20 ticket has a $3.50 convenience fee and a $4.50 processing fee so the $20 ticket turns out to cost 28 bucks. How can it be that the Internet revolution has not made it across the bay to Oakland?

 Worse than that, how can the A's have taken two straight from the mighty mighty Plotzers? Of course Plotnik understands exactly how this happened. "They're in first place," he blogged, that is bragged, a few days ago. For the leader of a nonmajor Western religion, The Great Plotnik should know better. Curses are curses.

 Plotnik's reasoning was simple. This team is not very good. They have no business being in first place. So, talking about them being in first place should have no effect on the Curse, because the Warlocks in charge of The Curse are from Chicago. They know baseball. What he is doing right now, Ye Cursemeisters, is simple mitigation.

Okay. He screwed up. Alright already. Chicago is a great town. Sorry. Sheesh.


At 11:27 AM, Anonymous Brother Two Names said...

So its your fault there're losing. Not the injuries. Not the long stretch of games. I'm glad I have someone to blame.

At 12:13 PM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

If you can leave your bike in SF you won't need it in Oakland. But paying an $8 bonus for half price tickets is asking a bit much, although you can probably get tickets at the stadium. Unless all the other Dodger fans have already bought them.

And yes - it really is all your fault. Thanks!

At 9:43 AM, Blogger mary ann said...

I feel sorry for the A's fans and grateful to the A's team for beating your first place Dodgers. Good of you to take the blame, however...


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