Helen Reddy was right!
The other day in Plotnik's last Kanji class before his Final this upcoming Monday, Matsumura Sensei sent her beginning Kanji students to the blackboard. She sat behind them and called out Japanese words, for which five of the six students drew perfect Kanjis, using strong, sure strokes. The sixth student, who has a severe Japanographic Learning Disability, which does not enable him to think up to down and right to left, to say nothing of forgetting E V E R Y damned thing when he's at the blackboard, drew out his wimpy Kanji with lines that looked like overcooked linguini, and waited for Matsumura Sensei to say "Purotniku-san!"
But she didn't. And it wasn't because he was getting things right, but because she was very busy and wasn't paying attention. Plotnik could see he had drawn his Kanji incorrectly, but she wasn't saying a word. It was a baaaddd sign, and far worse than being publicly upbraided for being a Bad Bad Kanjiboy. Now, he could tell she no longer had any hope for him.
Worse yet, when he got home he realized she was just calling off the same Kanji from the work sheet he had already turned in last week. He had known them all when he was writing them down. Now, he couldn't remember any, 10 minus 10, the inside of the bagel, and not only that: he couldn't remember he had just written three pages using these same Kanji.
The Great Plotnik is not a stupid man. He is not an idiot. He is not a brainless snail. He is not a creeping foosack.
Helen Reddy was right! Plotnik is STRONG! He is INVINCIBLE! He is KANJIMAN!
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