The Great Plotnik

Monday, June 19, 2006

Tart Green Apples to Pucker your Pie Hole

The apple tree in the backyard of The Great Plotnik World Head- quarters and Meatball Kitchen is looking fine. First the little baby apples look like this, and then, a few days later, like this...

And then, with a little sun, some afternoon heat and positive thoughts, will end up with its apples maturing sometime before Thanksgiving to be turned into



...this, yum.

Have events ever transpired in precisely this way? Well, uh, no, but the tree does give nice, tart, green apples, very tart green apples, very very tart green apples, which only have a few insect holes, ok more than a few but not too too many insect holes and it's perfectly safe to eat them, but maybe you should chop them up first, just to, you know, the worms, but still. The tree is quite beautiful and the apples ARE getting better every year. That's Plotnik's story and he's sticking to it.


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