The Great Plotnik

Monday, June 12, 2006

Two Old Jews

Never, in a million years, did The Great Plotnik expect he would see Nefnik and The Great PunkyDunky decked out in full Old Jew regalia, including prayer shawls, yarmulkes and even a prayer book (though it must be noted that Nefnik's Hollywood shades are visible along with the prayer book). The two cousins got up in front of the congregation at a family Bar Mitzvah (not everyone has converted to Plotnikism yet, even in the Great Plotnik's own family), and took their turn mangling the Language You Read Backwards and Vaguely Chanting. PunkyDunky even grabbed a little, right there on the bima in front of God and the Sacred Scroll, which caused Nefnik to burst out laughing in the middle of his Vaguely Chanting.

David, the Bar Mitzvah boy, did magnificently. Even Plotnik remembered the tunes and some of the words. Every once in a while, this stuff can be fun.

Then, there's all the enjoyable time Plotnik and Ducknik got to spend with PD and the Great 5.45 Head, who is eighteen weeks pregnant. She gained four pounds between morning and night on Sunday. Young Danastasia is flexing his/her muscles.

And, of course, Mischief Puppy, who has no idea about the newcomer who will be sharing his space in a few months.


At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great photos ~ wonderful post.


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