The New Studio
Where the walls of the old studio were covered with music memorabilia, the New Studio is developing a nice Travel feel.
The painting over the sofa came from Gilberto in Antigua, Guatemala. His village of San Andres on Lake Atitlan had been destroyed by a hurricane and he and the other artists on the lake were trying to sell their art to try and help the rebuilding of the village.
The two blankets over the arm of the sofa came from these five women in the town of Ollataytambo, Peru, in Cuzco's Sacred Valley.
The blanket over the back of the sofa is the Cheapshit Fit Blanket from Cuzco. Plot and Duck bought it from a tiny shop in an alley ringed with Inca walls, right after they had a Cheapshit Fit and refused to buy the beautiful hanging they really wanted in the Fancy Shmancy Art Gallery. They stormed out of the gallery, waiting for the woman to run after them and say 'OK, Senores, I'll take your cheapshit offer.' But she didn't. Hence, the Cheapshit Blanket from the other shop.
The little coffee-table in front of the sofa is a machinist's chest from the 1930s, bought at a farm auction somewhere in Columbia County, Pennsylvania, when Plot and Duck were rebuilding their old farm house there, back when Andrew Jackson was president. Many of the things they bought at auctions then are still in their house. Most were bought for $5. They are still worth at least half that.
The sofa itself, of course, belongs to Mischief.
what is that strange room? that can't be the studio. where did all the space come from?
also, i just realized that thing that we always called the musheenous chest is actually a Machinists' Chest. that makes so much sense!
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