The Great Plotnik

Friday, November 02, 2007

Wowzer! A New Browser!

Wowzer! Wowzer! Last night, Mush, Domin-Nik and Bombshell convinced The Great Plotnik to change browsers, because if he did so the LINK button would work!

Well, IT DOES! See

See Mush's blog.

See Dance-Nik's Blog.

See Domin-Nik's Blog.

See the latest news on the Plotzers!

They should NEVER have given The Great Plotnik a new toy to play with. Now he shall attempt to make those dead links on the side of the page finally work, after only three years.

Guess whose birthday it is this weekend? (Hint: she's wearing a green dress.)


At 9:55 AM, Blogger bronwen said...

welcome to the 21st century!

At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I crazy or was there just a HUGE picture of you at the top of the page?

At 4:40 PM, Blogger DAK said...

There WAS a huge picture of Plotnik on top of the page. It is part of the Throughly Modern Plotnik Program, in progress as we speak. Currently TGP is up to somewhere around 1952. Scary, wasn't it?

At 5:08 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

I already miss the Edit-Me links.
Congrats, you are now officially a high techie. Disregard the fact that One Foot and I told you about Firefox months ago and you went on your merry way humming and speeeting....

At 6:47 PM, Blogger Karen said...

Ah, very honored to be linked by TGP. What's with the old writing group pic?(Sorry, but the red dress has, shall we say, left the room.)


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