NotthatLucas's fake dog Rex totally fooled The Great Plotnik, and got him thinking about the Plotniks' own fake cat Valentino. Valentino, who was a Valentine's Day Present for The Great Ducknik, never did fool the Plotniks' cats but they did take some sleeping lessons from him. Valentino does fool every human, every time, but being a soft, cuddly pillow as well as a faux feline, is also forgiven immediately.
The surprising thing is that even though Valentino is not a real cat, he does have pure cat habits.
Hello O Great Plotnikowitzski,
I love Valentinonik, such an Epitome of Cat. Also love/hate the TIAPOS photo (love all of it except for my hairstyle and weight). Makes me miss Wally and our "retreats" to Inverness. Thanks for posting.
Very clever - you crack me up!
Who is Valantino going to vote for?
...and now $1000 vet bills!
and no $1000 vet bills, is what I meant to say, but the ghost of my real cat Tosca trips up my fingers on the key board every 5 minutes or so.
Tosca and Valentino would be an elegant duo.
I would like to be sprawled in that sunny doorway, myself, right about now.(I once knew a feline named Valentino that looked exactly like this.)
Fabulous! But you need a trail of cat litter leading from the litter box throughout the rest of the house, as well as some fake cat vomit. Then the Valentino experience will be complete!
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