The Great Plotnik

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

"Troubling Pics of Singer's Bald Spot..."

...turned out not to be about The Great Plotnik's thick and verdant head of hair, but instead really sick-o shots of Amy Winehouse. That's what you get if you pay any attention at all to On Line for Idiots' headlines.

Meanwhile: Barack seems to have done it. Hillary got clobbered in North Carolina and barely squeaked by in Indiana. Although listening to the pundits on CNN is bad for Plotnik's health, he did hear one interesting comment last night. Soledad Rodriquez said that in the depths of Obama's troubles two weeks ago with Reverend Wright, Hillary Clinton faced a choice: she could either be big or little about the issue. She chose little -- attacking Obama for his pastor's words and extrapolating that into questions about Obama's patriotism, as she tried to score a few more points with voters.

In doing so, she exposed the part of her that has been her biggest worry since the beginning -- nobody likes her. They like her brain, but not her.

In Obama's victory speech in North Carolina last night, he could have taken swipes at her, but chose to travel the high road instead. He talked about togetherness, not vindictiveness, about unity among people, even imperfect ones like himself. Here's part of what he said:

"Yes, we know what's coming. I'm not naive. We've already seen it, the same names and labels they always pin on everyone who doesn't agree with all their ideas, the same efforts to distract us from the issues that affect our lives, by pouncing on every gaffe and association and fake controversy, in the hopes that the media will play along.

"The attempts to play on our fears and exploit our differences, to turn us against each other for political gain, to slice and dice this country into red states and blue states, blue collar and white collar, white, black, brown, young, old, rich, poor ... this is the race we expect, no matter whether it's myself or Senator Clinton who is the nominee. The question then is not what kind of campaign they will run; it's what kind of campaign we will run.

"It's what we will do to make this year different. You see, I didn't get into this race thinking that I could avoid this kind of politics, but I am running for president because this is the time to end it."

Plottie is beginning to get excited again. OK, Plotnik still thinks the ticket should be Obama-Clinton, even though no one else on the planet agrees with him. Look at Dick Cheney. Having an attack dog as the VP hasn't hurt Big Dubya, has it?


At 11:32 AM, Blogger mary ann said...

Make that two ~ I'd love an Obama-Clinton ticket also!

At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the Clinton/Cheney thing.

Hillary needs to gracefully pull out today or tomorrow, but she won't. Too much of her own money is tied up in this now, and now she's demanding the Michigan and Florida results to count.

I just hope she doesn't do herself and the party more harm in the next few weeks. She's desperate and capable of almost anything.


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