The Great Plotnik

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Living Language

A month ago, NotThatLucas commented on The Great Plotnik about a posting where Plottie had remarked that a young woman in New York City, to whom he had been introduced almost forty years earlier, would one day transquackify into The Great Ducknik. NotThat commented that when he googled 'transquackify' this Plotnik posting was the only one that came up and that Plotnik, having obviously invented a new word, should probably copyright it.

Wrong. As soon as NotThat posted the comment, there were now two listings on Google for the word 'transquackify,' and if Plotnik is correct, this right here will make three. If any of you post a comment on Plotnik or anywhere else, using this new word of ours, that'll make four or five. Isn't this process fantastic? We are in at the very birth of a small piece of the English language.

So, since we're able to set the record straight at the beginning, how about this for the official definition of the verb transquackify: "to change from a normal, beautiful human female into a duck."

Plotnik adds, just for clarity: "...while remaining beautiful, human and female, but maybe not quite as normal."

Any other suggestions? (Remember, your suggestions will become usages numbers 6, 7, 8, even up into double digits!)


At 11:33 AM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

First, now that you are (obviously) letting Bellie do your art, you should probably include explanations. (In this case, I believe the two things on the right are duck feet. The thing on the left - who knows.)

Second, Obviously a definition of transquackify has to be the action a doctor takes to change specialties to avoid litigation issues. Example: "Dr. Coldfish transquackified from an OBGYN to ENT after he was caught wildly inappropriately using stirrups while dressed as Mae West."

At 1:47 PM, Blogger DAK said...

It's a bill, a duck bill fawgodsake! But you are forgiven because your definition of 'transquackify' is priceless.


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