The Great Plotnik

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Papa's Job... to pick Belly Bone up at her Day Care Center (second row down on left of course), walk home with her on her scooter, stop at the Mr. Softee Truck and then let nature take its course from there.

Plottie took Mischief on his walk this morning with Belly Bone. You will all be happy to hear The Chief is doing very well. Here he is with his new pair of white shoes.

There is an amazing new Schmapp (yes, TGP knows all about the latest in technology. Schmapps are developed by Schmapple Corp) that The Great PD told Plottie about. It is called Exit Strategy. Imagine you need to take the L train and then transfer to the G Train. Exit Strategy tells you where to stand on the L Train subway platform in order to get ON the L train in the right spot so you can get OFF the L Train in the perfect spot so you will be closest to the tunnel that takes you down to the G Train.

If you follow their strategy you will not be slogging your way through a zillion people carrying your suitcases that you brought up on the bus from Washington D.C., but instead zipping down the tunnel with ease. Exit Strategy told Plot and Duck to stand next to the yellow telephone.

Schmapple has done a lot things right, but allowing the everyday user to design their own Schmapps is the best of all. Plot doesn't have an I-Phone but someday he probably will and the World of Schmapps will be one reason.


At 7:25 AM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

Were all those kids required to have their mouths open for the pictures? They're great! Glad to hear Mischief is still getting along, but think he deserves much more stylish shoes.

There are indeed some clever apps. Drink the KoolAid. (but it might be worth waiting for a few months, if rumors are true).

At 8:51 AM, Blogger mary ann said...

Oh, Ms. Belly gets cuter every time you visit her and ear scratches to Mischief. I too want the iPhone when it connects to Verizon.

At 2:35 PM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

Why is BB looking at you like that with her ice cream cone? Did you threaten to take a lick or two?

At 3:50 PM, Blogger Deborah DeWitt said...

what I love is the stylish Ms. Bellybone with her leggings, t shirt with ruffles, and fabulous poofy skirt with metal trimming (which I am sure has a name). and the de rigeur helmet!


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