The Great Plotnik

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

As Good as DiFara's? No Freaking Way.

The pants first, the shoes last. This is The Duck's mantra and it works. Pants opened up so the legs hang out the side of the suitcase, shirts and stuff rolled up and tucked on top of them, pant legs brought back in and more stuff rolled up above. Sweater on the top, shoes on very top, squashed down with all your strength, zipper of suitcase closed, zip zip that's it.

THIS YEAR WE'RE PACKING LIGHT! is always a huge lie.

But the Plotniks are getting better. They take less and less each trip, as long as you don't count the presents for Isabella. There are three birthdays to celebrate, one that happened last week (BZ), one this Saturday (PD) and one that Plot and Duck will miss for the very first time in November (BB). Plot is not feeling good about that so you can be sure the door is not closed firmly yet.

There is also the High School Reunion.

There is also DiFara's Pizza, but there are rumors of a pizza place that is AS GOOD. We'll see about that.

And an Anniversary. But Plot and Duck have decided a trip up through the redwoods sounds good to celebrate all these years of good times, so they'll do that when they get back to Northern Shmali.

Dance-Nik, we need to plan a date?

And a hearty Best of Luck to all our local baseball fans and friends. We Plotzer fans are above the name calling fray. We wish our fellow horsehiders a most successful outcome to their genuinely noble endeavors.


At 6:48 PM, Anonymous jj-aka-pp said...

GO BRAVES, though they are making me angry.

Have fun in NYC and at MHS!


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