The Great Plotnik

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thanks Nel

Another of those nice seasonal surprises -- our friend Nel the Bell sent this link this morning.

Plotnik forgets his songs get sung by choirs, because he never gets to hear any of them. There are a lot of them on U-Tube now so he'll maybe invest a little time today and see what's out there.

These kids are really cute. And the way a composer figures out where he got a little bit too inventive with his melody is to listen to the way they changed it for kids to be able to sing it. This simple way, just about no matter what the composer thinks, is the way a song will be repeated and remembered.

It's also fun for Plottie to hear the pianist playing his piano line, which is usually not changed much at all. He can barely remember how to play these songs any more -- maybe he ought to go buy the sheet music.

And now he knows it's pronounced "Ha-Nick-Ah."


At 10:51 AM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

That's really cute - I love how some have halos, but don't understand why they are all holding notebooks. And would it have been so hard to make the camera a bit more level?

At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Cousin Seattle said...

A slightly different demographic on this one... :) Fantastic!

At 12:33 PM, Anonymous jj-aka-pp said...

Not that: i'm sure the notebook had the long song that they were about to sing next...that wasn't memorized.

Pretty cute.So then of course I had to watch the other versions that came up...the Seniors of Buena Park? tempo! tempo! HEY we can even get a karoke version!

Love it!

At 3:29 PM, Blogger bronwen said...

this has to be one of the cutest things I've ever seen!!

At 4:05 PM, Blogger mary ann said...



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