The Great Plotnik

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Old Eyes, New Baby

Eyes dilated, Plotnik sees a screen and a half in front of him. The other night he was taking out the trash and saw several tiny flashes, like instant fireflies in the corner of his right eye. He thought at first they were lightning. But (sigh)no: it's age.

Dr. Po at Kaiser this morning said the tiny flashes, and the floater that appeared yesterday and wouldn't go away, are what you get when the gel that has been in that eye since you were born starts to deteriorate. In the interim stage you get flashes and floaters, until the brain gets used to it, and the gel is all gone.

This, thought Dr. Po, was supposed to be comforting.

Not that Plottie wanted her to say he had Eyeball Crudosis, but, well, that's what he's got. "No problem, nothing to worry about, no damage," she says, but Plotnik is thinking about the tmj business that is making it hard for him to chew, and now the eyeball crud and what in the world is next?

Next, hopefully, will be a glance at the new baby next door: Vaughn was born last night at home. As soon as Ducknik gets home from school we'll walk over there to take a look.


At 1:55 AM, Blogger J and J said...

This aging stuff is for the birds, you and Jerry should chat! All is well with us and we plan to begin our 2 month long roadtrip this weekend! Will be in touch while we are on the way via here, email or FB.
Hugs to you and Duck!


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