The Great Plotnik

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Fifth Escape from Egypt

Thanks very much to The Great Mushnik for these photos. Last night's fifth seder at World Headquarters was even more fun than usual, and, if possible, Chef Pickle-Nik's matzoballs rose another notch on the delectable scale.

In the above photo, The Great Plotnik is trying to speed up the explanation of the seder plate, seeing if he can hold the seder down to as much time as it takes to poach Pickle's balls. Wait.

Being the youngest, for the fifth year in a row, Chef Pickle got to find the Afikomen, the successful endeavor of which she is seen celebrating here. As her payment, she received quite a booty: one John Adams Dollar coin, one Australian dollar coin and one 2-Euro coin. That's real cash, though it comprised two years' payment, since we stiffed her last year.

The Plotnik's really do need to find someone younger to be the youngest person. But, you know, Passover, which is supposed to be for children, is actually a lot more fun when only adults are around the table. You talk about anything. You drink, and the more you drink the more you sing. You stay around the table for hours because it's fun to talk about politics, from ancient Egypt to the circus of present day Saint Plotniko.

Pharaoh, whose hard-headedness was no match against vengeful Yahweh. Sheriff Mirkarimi, the Persian half-Jew whose non-Jewish half is a bully. Ex-Governor Romney, what a dolt. But a rich dolt. Like Sam says: "What exactly does this man have to offer as president?" Plotnik fears the answer may be "that he's not black."

Plotnik knows a lot of tunes of Chasidic songs, whose words are always literal biblical prayers. He would one day like to attend a Chasidic Passover, but maybe on line with bathroom breaks. He wants to ask someone why God would let the Israelites go and then enslave them up again 500 years later in Babylonia?

"God Works in Mysterious Ways" is bullshit, sorry. We want a better answer.

Slavery. Freedom. Slavery again. Every year.

An entire 10.5 lb. brisket yields maybe 7 pounds of meat. We ate maybe half of it, so there are sandwiches in our future.

What's the point here? That family is wonderful but friends are wonderful too. That holidays are sweet but everydays are also sweet, don't forget them. That using our heads is good. Using our hearts is good. Food always works.


At 7:50 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

It was such a delightful evening!

At 9:12 PM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

Nice post - sounds like nobody left hungry. Was the chocolate better this year?


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