The Great Plotnik

Friday, May 18, 2012


Memo to Bill and Mush: the flight to Atlanta was delayed two and a half hours. Plot sat next to a young guy who was a corporate stooge and wouldn't stop talking about management issues. "I want everyone who reports to me to achieve his life goals. They need to submit three goals to me and each week we'll meet and talk about how they are doing."

Duck sat across the row in front of two screaming babies, and I mean s c r e a m i n g! Shrieking. The parents did nothing.

Air travel ain't what it used to be.

However, we are in the glorious land of bbq.

 And then there's this amazing Hindu temple -- 25, 000 people in this congregation.

Not allowed to take any photos inside, but it's as pretty a place of worship as Plotnik has ever seen.

Still -- a lot of money for, well, for whatever it's for.

Right now Jen and Ducknik are looking at their mom's old dresses, from the 20's and 30's, that Jennifer still has. You'll see photos tomorrow.


At 7:34 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

Oh, so glad you checked in. Sorry about the flight. It was sunny again today and "they" say it will be a warm weekend. BBQ looks yummy.

At 12:16 AM, Anonymous Cousin Seattle said...

When I was in Memphis last month, I tried lamb ribs. Life changingly delicious. If you ever see them on a menu, don't just order them, run into the kitchen and eat ALL THE RIBS. So good!


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