The Great Plotnik

Friday, August 12, 2005

Monkeys Are a Problem

Monkeys Are a Problem
Originally uploaded by thegreatplotnik.
Setbacks are common to travelers. In the end, they always supply material for stories, or even, if the setback is very bad, for a novella.

Travelers like TGBW must remember to heed the wisdom of this sign, posted by the side of the road in St. Lucia, KwaZulu, South Africa. Monkeys are at the bottom of all travel mishaps, especially on continents that end in 'a.' Oh, sure, the little darlings look innocent, swinging in the trees, chattering in their evil little language, pooping whenever and wherever they feel like it...but they are primate felons. Some of them are so guilty their butts turn red and their balls turn blue.

You can always tell a guilty party if his butt is red and his balls are blue, and you can always blame it on the monkeys.


At 5:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

congratulations on
getting the photo
on the blog!

At 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn right they're a problem. They've got a sugar habit beyond belief.


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