The Great Plotnik

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Shutternik is Not In Love.

The Great FiveHead is in town which means Lady Shutternik came to World Headquarters for dinner last night.

FiveHead prefers no-meat meals, which is a lot more fun than grilling a slab o'ribs. Chef Plotnik went down to Hong Fat and bought Canadian river trout, then walked out to the Back Forty, picked arugula, mint and parsley to go in the cabbage-red onion salad, added brown rice (made with Mr. Moodley's Durban rice seasoning mix and Fefnik's Persian saffron), another salad made from chilled fennel bulb and pecorino cheese, and some Indian chickpeas. Here is a photograph of what is left over.

Following dinner was a conversation about wonderful, almost-impossible-to-believe things.

FiveHead looked gorgeous, as always. So did Shutternik, but Plotnik knows that when Shutternik is smitten, she looks like she's two steps from Death's Door. "You must not be in love," Plotnik said. "You look great." Shutternik reluctantly agreed, sopping up the last of her rice and chickpeas.


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