The Great Plotnik

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Two Great Photos

The Great PunkyDunky and The Great FiveHead went to North Carolina for Keith and Jen's wedding. PD discovered a new suit in his closet right before they left, and Five Point Four and a Half Head got to wear the new red dress she'd found in a store -- the dress that two days later she no longer could have stuffed her expanding tummy into. They found a porch swing in Durham, NC, and a camera.

Then, this morning, comes the news that The Great BeezieWeezie has had her research in Peru accepted for publication. This is very good news, indeed. The title alone of the book guarantees it instant Best Seller Status: "Upward Range Extension of Andean Anurans and Chytridiomycosis to Extreme
Elevations in Response to Tropical Deglaciation."

The best part comes next:

Manuscript Authors: Seimon TA, Seimon A, Daszak
P, Halloy S, Schloegel LM, Aguilar CA , Sowell P,
Hyatt A, Konecky B, and Simmons J


At 10:13 AM, Blogger mary ann said...

these photos and your good reporting made this beautiful day off even better for me...also the Pretty Pony
post from notthat.


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