Uncle Bob's in Town
In the days when The Great Plotnik looked like the fellow on the right with the hat and the bodacious stache, the woman in the middle was the finest musician he had ever met and the fellow on the left was his best friend. When Plot met Jon he also met Jon's Uncle Bob who became Plottie's first songwriter mentor. Bob had a fine career as a lyricist, but he really scored when he married Ducknik's friend in The Big Shmapple.
Now Bob and Janet have come to San Jose to visit and to care for Janet's aging father. So tonight Plottie and Duck get to catch up with Uncle Bob and Janet and they're really looking forward to it. Anybody know a decent, relatively quiet restaurant in Cupertino or...that other town that's next to Cupertino and looks just like it? Mountain View maybe?
By the way, when people tell you that opposites attract, they should look in the dictionary to see if Bob and Janet have their picture posted. Brash New York Jew, son of socialists, friend of Plot, insists that he be set up with urbane Texas daughter of Evangelicals, friend of Duck. It'll never work, Plot tells Duck and Duck tells both Bob and Janet, but they insist on meeting. The night they meet, at Second Avenue Deli, the atmosphere between them is so hot they are burning the crust off the pastrami. It probably still is. News at 11.
That restaurant?