Plot Supports the Writers Against the Oinkers.
Well, Dear Plotnikkies, TGP is very happy to hear his fellow Baby I-ophiles are anxious for photos. There are a bunch o' beauties. Yes, he remembered the cable, but did not bring the computer this time, so there's no way to get those photos from there to here, see. But Plot and Duck come home this afternoon so have no fear. By later today Baby I's face will be smeared all over the airwaves. Oooh, that one of her eating ramen last night...sweet.
From his perch in Kinko's, on the corner of Shmaurel Canyon and Shmentura Boulevard, Plot is thinking about the screenwriters he saw with picket signs last night in front of Universal Studios. If any of those guys wrote a plot point where the world rises up in support of a bunch of tv-script mongers, nobody would buy it. This conflict is not exactly Wobblies fighting the steel mills. The Thirties are dead.
But Plottie has dealt with the studios, and those guys are real pigs, oink-freaking-oink. Whatever they want, Plot wants the other thing. So The Great Plotnik is supporting the writers. But let's not take this too seriously, a'ight?
Pictures later.
Wait a minute - you remembered to bring the cable (that is totally meaningless without a computer) but didn't bring a computer? Was the computer forgotten or conciously left behind?
If you didn't have your computer, how did you make those posts? Assuming you didn't use an iPhone (HA!), there was a computer involved - a computer that you could plug the cable into.
Not that I'm stirring up trouble or anything...
Also I agree with you - whatever side the studios are on, I'm on the other side.
I'm waiting patiently for the later pictures. Poor RR has the stomach flu today. Bill is on poop duty with her at the moment.
Dear Plot,
I have many priceless pics for you, including the notorious smooching shots. I asked that rotten kid of yours to give me your email but he has yet to provide it, so I figured I'd go to the source. Where do I send them?
Nicky, aka the Arm, aka Control Issues.
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