We Believe the Lies We Believe
It's warm and beautiful again in Stiletto City. No fog. No rain. No depressing gloom. How can anyone live here?
Yesterday, someone in Plotnik's family informed us all that Barack Obama was a militant Muslim, because his father was a militant Muslim, and Barack became one too until he was a young teenager. "Where the HELL did you get that story?" Plotnik asked, to be informed that "EVERYBODY knows that, it's a fact. I heard it on the radio."
Criminy. One of these days, the talk radio right wingers down here are going to have their heads explode into smithereens. Lie after lie after lie they spew, and when you hear something that makes you laugh, you forget there are people out there who actually believe it.
But we all tell our own little versions of these same lies. Progressives believe Hillary Clinton is the devil, and that's garbage. Republicans think McCain will legalize abortion -- oh, wait, it's already legal. We all believe the lies that we believe and laugh at all others.
Then Karl Rove and the Professionals step in. Just wait, we haven't heard anything yet.
It's funny how easy it is to make some people believe things. And if you are first presenting your argument, you have a better chance of it sticking since it's hard to dislodge those brain cells that were sacrificed for that particular "fact."
I'm definitely not looking forward to Karl and whoever this year's Swift Boaters are.
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