A Winning Basket, an OK Show
Yesterday, on a picture-perfect, glory-Hallelujah kind of afternoon, Plotnik and Ducknik drove down to Fort Mason for a 2:30 matinee of "Monkey Room" at the Magic theater. You can read the San Francisco Theater Blog review HERE, but remember never to trust anyone holding a hypodermic needle with a confused look on her face.
What a day. The Bay was Rush Hour for sailboats. Giant flags flew on masts just below American flags. Even the abandoned docks were picturesque. Every tree in town was in bloom.
Not only was it the kind of day that sells cameras, but this other fine and rare occurrence also took place:
Plotnik hit the game-winning shot in the toughest game of the morning, setting off a delicious argument on the other team about who was supposed to be covering him. The answer, of course, is nobody. Nobody expects Plottie to take that last shot. Maybe Mike. Maybe Sam. But Sam got the ball and everybody ran over to cover him, so Sam passed it to Mike and everybody ran over to cover him. So Mike passed it out to Plotnik. The defense hesitated. Heh heh heh and also HAR DE HAR!
How many of the Giants flags were at half-mast?
Congrats on the shot! Were there any scouts watching? The NBA draft is coming up you know...
Great about the play (see commano) and of course I loved your review. One of these days we need to coordinate better!
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