Baby Sit Monday
It's the end of Baby Sit Monday with Ms. Isabella. Ducknik has been with Belly all day and Plotnik only arrived at 2PM, as he had many jobs to do with Mummy P. It is pretty amazing how tired one person who is only two feet tall can make two people who are considerably larger. Belly's vocabulary is expanding by leaps and bounds and so is her sense of humor. She really is fun to be around. But man! She has a lot of energy.
Mummy Plotnik keeps trying to convince her two boys and two daughters in law that she is 93 years old, but nobody wants to believe her. The only difference Plotnik can see is that she has less energy than she used to. But she has learned to do exactly what she can and not what she can't. If she is running down she knows how to hide it.
It's all about sleep, you know? If you sleep well at night, you have options with your day that follows. if you don't, if your various aches and pains keep you up at night, and if that continues for several days or more, your judgement becomes impaired. You see problems where there are none. You feel lousy and so the world seems lousy.
This is easy to see from close by, but harder from far away, especially over the telephone. Plotnik must remember to remember, after the typical Stiletto City phone conversation: the world probably isn't ending, even if everybody down here thinks it is.
Good thoughts on sleep. My one regret about Italy is that I had sleep problems almost every night. We all look forward to the photos when you return...after you sleep for a while.
Ah yes, sleep. I'm currently trying to persuade Jack to consider the possibility that his sleep problems - he's been having quite a few, lately -- might be hormone related. Yes, men as well as women go through their own version of menopause. Their hormones begin to go kaflewy, too. But will Jack ever go get hormones? Not unless I set EVERYTHING up for him. Which I just might do!
To sleep, perchance to dream. And in that sleep, what dreams may come! I think napping is really under-rated - if I was allowed a siesta in the afternoon, I would be much more productive for my corporate masters! But NOOOOO - the bourgeoise contol the means of napping.
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