The Great Plotnik

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Day Was Fun as Always: The Traditions Continue

Cousin Seattle tried unsuccessfully to steal some turkey from the First Knife, the Carver of Turkey Primero, but then he let her have some anyway. Plotnik was especially generous to Cousin Seattle's boy friend Cory, The Man Who Knows How To Treat a Woman. If you remember, Cory was the one who surprised Cuz Seattle with two Dodger-Cubs playoff tickets to Game Three last year. This is a boy who will go far.

Schmeckl Plotnik has always been a turkey thief. He is stealthy and big, two qualities that are difficult to combat.

But of course the most important Thankgsiving ritual is the pre-dinner basketball game. Kids always look on, waiting for their chance to get into the game as they grow big enough. Yesterday was the first Thanksgiving Day Game for David and his brother Alex. David has been playing water polo and is already huge, whereas Alex hasn't hit his big growth spurt yet, though it's right around the corner. You're looking at Shmeckl, Cousin Big EG, David, Alex, Plotnik and The Great Roger (Staubach).

David was always 'way bigger than his little sister Danielle, but look at the difference now.

The Queen of the house remains propped up on pillows, as befits her Royal Overbite Nature.

It made Plotnik feel so good to see the two kids assuming their rightful places on the basketball court. It's one of those weird family rituals -- you don't play hard but you don't play soft either. Everyone thought they'd cut Alex a little slack at the start of the game, because he's the shortest, but then he hit his first four shots to give his team a 4-0 lead and that was the end of anything easy. From that point on to when he's 60, he'll have to earn the rest of his baskets just like everyone else. What great kids, and what a ball to have them in the game now.

Everyone missed The Greats PD, 5H, BB and BZWZ but they were having a feast together in a 260-year-old farmhouse north of The Big Shmapple, so it all seems to have worked out fine. This morning Brooklyn Belly got on the phone and said "I love you Wo" (I love you Grandma Rose) and "I love you Bobo." Life is good.

One more Thanksgiving ritual has been updated: Carving the turkey was always Grampa Chiefie's job. When he died, The Great Plotnik assumed First Knife and Cousin Mother Two Names the Official Nudge position. Now there are two turkeys, so Cousin Mother Two is now Official Second Knife and her son, Cousin Brother Two Names is Nudging for both carvers, which means standing next to the turkeys and whining until someome takes pity on him and throws him something to eat. You don't see him here because he is a Stealth Nudge, moving too quickly for the lens to pick him up.

One last comment: Cousin Two Names looks gorgeous with her six-month-belly. But Plottie has no photos. Will someone please send him one to post here?


At 4:28 PM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

So, next year when Alex hits another growth spurt and is also taller than you, you gonna let Danielle play just so you won't be the shortest one out there?

It's good to be the turkey carver - lots of side benefits such as less than perfect slices that either get thrown out (never!) or "sampled." I "sample" so much I don't need to eat the formal dinner part.

At 5:21 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

Looks like a lot of family fun and no rain! Now come home...

At 11:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the pix. We wanted to be there but couldn't squeeze it in before seeing Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy. We leave tomorrow AM for Orlando.
Mom and Dad of Cousin Seattle really miss everyone, all the time but more on Thanksgiving. Glad to see everyone holding down the fort for us! Thanks Plotie!


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