The Great Plotnik

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sanchez and Kemp

This man threw a no hitter for the Saint Plotniko Braindead Caribbeans last night, while in Milwaukee this man hit a grand slam home run in the 10th Inning and then saved the game for the Stiletto City Plotzers with a Willy Mays-style over the head basket catch in the bottom of the inning.

Jonathan Sanchez was somebody the Caribbeans had given up on, but he showed them what he's made of last night. And his father was in the audience -- the first game dad ever saw his boy pitch. They'd better put Sanchez Senior on the payroll.

Matt Kemp is even younger than Sanchez and is a superstar in the waiting. What Plotnik loves is that as Kemp ran off the field last night after that amazing catch, he shouted "Willie Mays Hayes! Willie Mays Hayes!"

You probably have to have watched a lot of baseball movies to get that one, but amen, Brother Kemp.


At 10:13 AM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

Did he really yell that ("Willie Mays Hayes")? Maybe the Giants would trade you Sanchez for Kemp.

I love that there's a completely unexpected chance for a bitter race between the Dodgers and Giants this year.


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