The Great Plotnik

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Plant a Scallion Get a Scallion, Not a Pennant

The rest of the city has Baseball Fever but Plotnik is calm and collected. He rode his Plotkicycle (recently repaired) down to City Hall Farmer's Market yesterday to buy ingredients, several of which turned into a Wolfgang Puck-inspired tomato-less shiitake mushroom sauce.

The first stop was at Economy Restaurant Supply down by the 280, to buy a few more bottles for the finished Louisiana Hot Sauce with and without garlic. (The little circles are the ones with the garlic.) The sauce finished up by itself while the Plotniks were back East and yesterday went into bottles and then on top of the mushroom sauce and pappardelle.

BrainDead caps are everywhere. Homeless people have 'em. Shopkeepers have 'em. They're on Valencia Street and they're on Market Street. Even some flowers are orange.

(Sigh). But for Plotnik it's all about vegetables. Flowers. Wondering why the Plotzers didn't get Halladay or Oswalt or Sabathia or Jonathan Sanchez when they could have had him cheap. I guess it's all sour grapes. Sweet potatoes. Beets. Whatever.


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