The Great Plotnik

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Photos from Sally and Barry's Farm

Our last full day in Atlanta we spent at Barry and Sally's farm, which is half an hour east of JJ-aka-PP's house in Eastlake.

They've got chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and three llamas. Sally raises Egyptian Salukis and Azawaks (dogs) and occasionally gets paid to transport them back to Egypt, plus she works full time with JJ-aka-PP at Georgia Perimieter College. Things are tight at the college these days so it's good to have the farm to get away to.

Plot and Duck lived on their own farm, lo these decades ago, but never got into it as deeply as Barry and Sally. These days it looks like a practically endless grind of being subservient to the feeding, watering, health, welfare and eventual dispatching and selling of animals. But it's a choice, and they're lucky to have a beautiful spot to live on which is only a short drive from a huge city.

Shmalifornians look at rock-bottom real estate prices in the South and have to put their hands on top of their heads to keep their brains from exploding.


At 9:55 AM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

It's funny how farm life seems so idyllic, until you realize that it's actually a lot of work and responsibility. Still, the appeal of petting chickens is tough to resist.

At 4:45 PM, Blogger mary ann said...

notthat said it perfectly, but it does look so relaxing and pretty...


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