The Great Plotnik

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Good to Be Home

Plot and Duck are home, but they have a lengthy meeting tonight for which they must try to stay awake. Also, there's nothing to eat in the house. Worse yet, when they got out of the car their neighbor Ray came walking up, looking bad. When Plottie asked how he was, Ray said, eyes staring at the street, "Well, it feels like the world is ending." If you knew Ray, you'd understand how out of character it is for him to say something lke that. Serious illnesses, his and his wife's.

So all the delightful photos will just have to wait until tomorrow. As always, it's good to be home. And Barack is winning all the Potomac primaries. Wow.


At 6:32 AM, Blogger mary ann said...

...and good to have you home. Sorry about your neighbors, very sad.


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