The Great Plotnik

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Urban Wasteland?

So which urban wasteland is this? Which polluted, overcrowded, concrete, toxic pool of modern degradation?

Yes, Prospect Park in Brooklyn. TGP remembers very well how incomprehensibly beautiful the Big Shmapple becomes during, or the morning after, a fresh snowfall. The biggest change is the quiet -- all those street sounds and hums and whistles and horns and screeches and explosions dissapear -- no traffic. No anger. Everyone is in awe.

And if any photo Plottie has seen in recent months will do him in, this is the one. Belly Bone looks so much like her daddy here -- you can see the light has just gone on in her evil cranium that those snowballs she is holding COULD be used as a delightful weapon against her innocent and unsuspecting father, who has taken the day off from work just to be her target.

PD and 5H and BB and BZ, enjoy these days. There are never enough of them to go around.

Wow, the FarAway button just got pressed and pressed hard. Life is good, fellow Plotnikkies, when you're able to miss so much the ones you love so much.


At 7:04 PM, Blogger notthatlucas said...

Very nice - absolutely gorgeous (and the snow looks nice too).

At 6:56 AM, Blogger mary ann said...

Adorable and beautiful, but I'm glad I don't live where there is snow.


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